Wikaniko Review: Is This Eco-Friendly MLM Even Worth Your Time?

Wikaniko Review


is wikaniko a pyramid


Reviewing MLM companies can be a bit tricky because they don’t really follow a general rule like other industries. You can’t easily pinpoint which MLM companies are a scam just based on their system. You need to do a more in-depth review of the companies to give a more accurate image of the company. Once you do, you can easily determine if the MLM is legit or not – and that’s what we’re going to do today. We are going to review a relatively new MLM company called Wikaniko.


To tell you the truth, when I first saw the name “Wikaniko,” I am not sure what to think. Unless my English is lacking, Wikaniko does not seem to mean anything. By the name alone, you can’t really guess what this company is about. If I had to guess, I’d say that this company has something to do with cars – because it sounds like “mecanico,” but I digress. It’s actually a cleaning supply company, which is pretty surprising, to be honest.


In this review, we are going to get an in-depth look into this MLM company to determine if their products are worth your money. We are also going to check their structure to help you understand if you can earn money from it.


What Exactly Is Wikaniko?


Wikaniko is an MLM company based in UK which sells eco-friendly products. Their items could be anything from soap to home cleaning products. If you need a cleaning product for your house, they usually have them at their warehouse.


One good thing about Wikaniko is their pricing is almost similar to the average market price of similar products. This is a stark contrast to most MLM companies wherein they price their items way above the average market price because of some imaginary health benefits they claim.


Wikaniko makes good claims like being eco-friendly but doesn’t use this fact as a way to drive up the price of their items. They make it seem like being eco-friendly is just a feature that all companies should strive for. If you value the environment, you should definitely consider Wikaniko.


But are these claims even real? Is Wikaniko as environment-friendly as it claims? We’ll find out soon enough in this review.


How To Make Money With Wikaniko?


Wikaniko is not that different from other MLM products as it uses the same earning tactics as all of them. You basically have two options – you can either sell their products and be a vendor or be more focused on referring people into the program and be a recruiter.


Whatever your strategy may be, you must remember that a good MLM company does not push people into a single choice. Good MLM companies will have a perfect balance between direct-selling and recruitment.


If a company focuses solely on recruitment, that would be very close to a pyramid scheme where the product is mostly just for show. If an MLM company focuses on direct-selling on the other hand, it won’t be seeing as much growth as they wanted.


Now, in this company, you can earn using either of the two methods, which is a good thing. To get the best value for your money, you should definitely strike a balance and tandem your selling with a dash of healthy recruitment because that’s where good money comes in.


How Much Do I Need To Become A Member?


To become a member, all you have to do is pay a membership fee to the company. This fee varies greatly from company to company. Most MLM companies require huge upfront membership fee along with a recurring monthly membership fee. I am not a fan of those MLM companies.


For Wikaniko on the other hand, the cost of becoming a member is only £24.95 and another £4.95 as a maintenance fee. That would come to under £30, which is surprising since it is priced well below the usual pricing in the MLM industry.


Surprisingly, there is also no recurring monthly fees. This means that you don’t have a quota. Many MLM companies have this quota that is so hard to reach that their members end up buying the product themselves just to keep their membership. I absolutely hate these kinds of policies. It’s not at all healthy.


How Much Can You Earn?


Once you become a member, it is only fair to wonder how much you’re going to earn because that’s probably the only reason you wanted to become a member in the first place. To tell you the truth, it’s actually quite hard to pin a number on your question because everything is relative.


The amount you can earn depends on so many things that the value I’d arrive at can be somewhere from $1/month to something absurd like $50000/month. This goes to show the discrepancy between good and bad MLM marketers. If you want to become closer to the latter figure, you need to find a good balance between recruitment and direct-selling.


As for their commission rate, I am happy to report that they are good. Wikaniko offers between 33% to 45% commission on your sale which is more than what most MLM companies would offer. I was actually shocked when I saw this figure because their products are priced not that much higher than generic brands yet they are still able to provide a fat 45% commission.


Wikaniko Compensation Plan


I am not a fan of discussing an MLM company’s compensation plan simply because they are unnecessarily complex and hard to follow. Many MLM companies make their compensation plans needlessly complicated to give the appearance of being good, but that is very far from the truth.


Nevertheless, let me share with you Wikaniko’s compensation plan in simple terms. They follow a standard plan which is pretty easy to understand. I am not entirely sure if they have another “bonuses” laid out for their milestones but as far as I can tell, they have a very standard payout scheme, which is great.


wikaniko compensation plan


Obviously, this illustration does not show the whole thing. There are still many things missing in this illustration but you’re not going to miss out, I guarantee.


What I Like About Wikaniko


Wikaniko is one of the best MLM companies I’ve reviewed. I’ve reviewed hundreds of duds before and this company seems a bit different, at least from what I’ve learned from it.


Firstly, it doesn’t have exorbitant pricing. Secondly, they do not seem to give all their focus on recruitment. They want to keep a healthy product flow which is why they encourage their members to sell their items. Thirdly, their products are actually pretty good and from what I was able to dig in, they are indeed eco-friendly.


I could go on and on about the good things about this company but I feel like this would suffice. These are just the things that jump out to me. There are still many little good things about this company but I didn’t bother listing them to make this article as brief as possible.


What I Don’t Like About Wikaniko


As of the time of this writing, Wikaniko is only available in the UK. If you are outside the UK, then you are out of luck but there have been reports of Wikaniko expanding to other countries.


Wikaniko also suffers from the same issues that are currently facing many MLM companies. You actually have to a good salesman to be able to earn a respectable amount of money. You can view that both as a bad and good thing, depending on your disposition.


The Conclusion – Is Wikaniko Good?


Let me be clear, I am not a huge fan of MLM. I think they belong in the bygone era of face-to-face selling. There are just too many unknown factors in MLM which makes it a somewhat unstable money-maker.


That being said, Wikaniko, actually managed to surprise me. Not only are their products good but they are actually priced fairly competitively. Granted, they still suffer from the same pitfalls of similarly designed MLM companies, but the pros definitely outweigh the cons.


In addition, Wikaniko does not appear to be all about that “recruitment money” as it truly encourages its users to sell their items, as evident by the higher than usual commission. Overall, Wikaniko is a good MLM company in my opinion.


Not a fan of selling?


Now, if you are not a fan of direct-selling and recruitment, you should definitely look into affiliate marketing. With affiliate marketing, you can promote any products you want using an online platform that you wish to. So, why limit yourself to just one MLM product when you can sell and earn more?


If you want to learn more about this better marketing choice, you should click my #1 recommendation.



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