Savage Affiliates Review: Should You Pick It Up?

Savage Affiliates Review


is Savage Affiliates scam


If you are here, chances are, you are probably looking for a review of Savage Affiliates. You are probably scouring the internet to see any honest review of this program. I am here to tell you that you are indeed in the right place.


I’ve reviewed hundreds upon hundreds of affiliate marketing programs and it’s fair to say that I can easily spot if a company is a scam or not. If you just give me a few minutes of your time, I can tell you exactly whether this program is suited for you or not. I will give you a rundown of all the details about this program to give you an unbiased look into its structure.


I will start this review by giving you the background of this program. Then I’ll have another section to discuss the basic structure of this program. Then by the end of this article, I will list all the good and bad things I thought about it. It is still up to you to decide whether you like this program or not. My opinion will ultimately be your guide.


Without further ado, here’s the full review.


What Is Savage Affiliates?


Savage Affiliates is an affiliate course that claims to help its users generate up to $10,000 per month using different internet traffic marketing techniques. Their most popular strategy for generating online traffic and leads is by using paid ads.


Savage Affiliates is founded by Franklin Hatchett which is known for creating other affiliate marketing programs. He is semi-well-known in the community for always coming up with marketing gimmicks that end up making him a lot of money. Savage Affiliates is just another one of his projects.


frankling hatchett savage affiliates


According to him, their courses can be used by both beginners and experienced users because of the wide range of topics covered in each module.


The main goal of this program is to help you generate passive income online. By doing so, you can have a site running for years on end, requiring very little maintenance, able to generate you money indefinitely. It’s the best kind of passive income and according to Savage Affiliates, they can help you achieve that.


Who Is Savage Affiliates For?


Savage Affiliates is for those who are looking to make money online through the use of different kinds of marketing but specifically affiliate marketing. It doesn’t matter if you are a complete beginner because there are basic lessons in the course that will teach you the fundamentals of things.


However, in my opinion, I find that affiliate marketing is best for marketers with some prior knowledge of how the way things work. Sure, you can always learn everything from the ground up but it’s going to take time.


Affiliate marketing is earning a commission by selling people stuff. That’s probably one of the simplest ways you can put it, but that doesn’t mean that it is an easy thing to do. There are still levels to it, and with you bypassing the fundamental learning stage could have a major effect on your success down the line.


What Do You Get From Savage Affiliates?


Getting through the course is going to take a while because it is packed with content. Everything you want to know about affiliate marketing is probably in there but they are not as in-depth as I’d hope. That being said, you can still get by with the amount of information stored here.


There are 9 modules which have over 100+ high-quality videos. Sure, there are videos in there that you can skip, especially if you already have a background in marketing. The informative parts of the modules are the ones in the middle, modules 3 – 7. I won’t go into the details of each module because that would take up the whole article. Instead, I will give you a palatable summary of what the modules are all about.


  • Module 1: Affiliate Introduction
  • Module 2: Niches & Products
  • Module 3: Building Your Assets
  • Module 4: Clickbank Affiliate Marketing
  • Module 5: Amazon Affiliate Marketing
  • Module 6: SEO Traffic
  • Module 7: Paid Traffic Training
  • Module 8: Free Traffic Training
  • Module 9: Email Marketing Training


Apart from these modules, you will also get additional content among other things. All of these modules contain anywhere from 5 to 30 videos that explain everything about their respective topic.


How Much Does Savage Affiliates Costs?


The price for this product is a cool $197, which is comparable to your typical college textbook.


There is a more advanced version which costs $297. This version contains more bonus content and additional customer service. This review will focus on the basic $197 version since that is what most people would opt for.


Is Savage Affiliate Training Worth The Price?


The amount of information that you will get out of this book is definitely deserving of the price if you think about it. The 9 modules alone contain useful information that could get you from knowing absolutely nothing about affiliate marketing to understanding how it works completely.


But there’s more to just having plenty of content. We must first determine if those contents are indeed useable in our quest to earn passive income. Based on my experience with this program, it’s a bit hit or miss. The content is generally good, but there are some modules in there that need updating. You can still use the information in there, but there’s nothing exceptional about them.


If I were being honest, a good chunk of what is taught in the modules are available online for free.


The Final Verdict


Reviewing an affiliate marketing course is a bit tricky since the affiliate marketing industry is an ever-changing landscape.


If I want to be absolutely objective and unbiased with my review, I need to be updated with the affiliate marketing industry, which I am, fortunately.


All I can say about this product is it’s surprisingly good, better than most courses I’ve reviewed so far. But did it succeed in overtaking my #1 recommended affiliate marketing course? The answer is no.


The reason why this course fell short is due to the lack of updates on the course itself. The contents are good, packed with information about many things regarding marketing. However, it lacks strategies and tactics. This course is more on the theoretical side of things instead of implementation. Let me explain.


Once you finish this course, you will realize that you are now able to understand the inner machinations of internet marketing. However, you will find yourself unable to do things with this new information that you’re given because the course doesn’t teach you that. They only discuss how the way things are instead of how to do things. In a way, the training feels a bit incomplete.


This course is still pretty good though. Not the best, but certainly above average.


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